Fresh Start for the Celery Fields

Update: Please email your ideas to What ideas? Read for details:

As you are aware, the big fight in 2017 was successful. We fended off two development projects that could have had a devastating effect (especially in combination with one another) on the beautiful Celery Fields.

However, the fight is not over.

Sarasota County Commissioners still have budget needs to meet, and 3 of the 4 “Quad” parcels are viewed as potential sources of income for the County.

Some of our most ardent co-laborers have begun a “Fresh Start” initiative in order to help provide input to the County about how these three properties might be used. These dedicated individuals have devoted hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to help preserve the Celery Fields, and they continue to work diligently to help shape the future of this beautiful area of Sarasota County.

Here’s How You Can Help

We invite you to bring forward your best ideas for how these pieces of land could and should be used. We invite you to bring yourself up to speed on the Fresh Start initiative and begin to contribute your ideas.

First, here are a couple of pieces of reading material:

Once you’ve read up a bit, please email your ideas to Thank you!

Photo Courtesy of Allen Mestel of Streetwork Studios


4 Replies to “Fresh Start for the Celery Fields”

    1. That’s a good question. Thanks for bringing it up, Maureen! We’ll definitely put it in the pile of ideas.

  1. How about a dog park – on one of the lots – a bike, walking/running path going through all the 3 parcels – and the solar panel idea on the other 1 or 2 parcels -The celery fields have been a great combination between nature and people — I do not mind paying a little more in my property tax to have a local Dog park and a place runners and bicyclists can have without fear of getting hit by a car – I’m neither a runner or bicyclist but I’m afraid the news is full of people getting hit by a car — we all love that the celery Fields have been a big part of nature – lets face it its the only mountain we have in Sarasota with a great nature view – How many of us have children that can sure use a place to be with there pets and play/exercise instead of being in the house attached to there computers/cell phones and/or video games — We should keep these 3 parcels for some form of a combination of human activities that do not require any machine/nose/pollution that can be good for nature/environment — There is more new home construction locally and more and more families moving in the area – we need a local spot for our pets – our neighbors – If the solar idea cant happen and generate money – again I have no problem paying a little more on my property tax to save these areas and combined them all together for the community, nature and our pets who are a big part of our lives.

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