WSLR 96.5FM: Tom Matrullo & David Johnson on the Peace & Justice Report

Tom Matrullo & David Johnson on the Peace & Justice Report

This morning, hosts Bob Connors and Tom Walker invited Tom Matrullo from Citizens for Sarasota County and David Johnson from to join them on the Peace and Justice Report for a segment on the Celery Fields and the upcoming hearing before the Sarasota County Board of County Commissioners.

To listen, visit the Peace & Justice Report page on the WSLR website and look for the August 16, 2017 episode. The segment on the Celery Fields begins at approximately 36:10 into the episode.

Click here to listen to the episode

Tom Matrullo shared a significant chunk of useful information. Check out his work on the Citizens for Sarasota County site for more:

WMNF: Sarasota environmentalists oppose waste facility near Celery Fields

This Monday, WMNF’s Seán Kinane interviewed Adrien Lucas and Luigi Verace on Midpoint about their efforts to stop the approval of a construction and demolition debris processing facility near’s Sarasota’s beloved Celery Fields.

The wide-ranging interview covers a lot ground and provides a useful overview of the issues surrounding the petition, including the upcoming meeting before the Sarasota County Board of County Commissioners on August 23rd.

WMNF has posted an archive of the interview on their website that’s worth listening to and sharing!